Foreclosed Homes in Yuma, Arizona


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The distressed property listings published on represent the most up-to-date and comprehensive home foreclosure listings online. The information is collected directly from foreclosing lenders and government authorities to ensure accuracy and timely delivery. Our database of foreclosure real estate includes, bank owned properties, foreclosed HUD homes, sheriff sales, pre-foreclosures, real estate auctions and REO properties.

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Yuma Foreclosed Homes
Foreclosed Homes For Sale in the Yuma area:

Yuma County

Foreclosures in other cities and counties of Arizona

The City of Yuma has a population of over 87,000 people and a metropolitan population of around 190,000 people. The City is a popular winter residence for many people, causing its population to balloon by an additional 85,000 people during the cold months. One of the hottest cities in the US with an average July temperatures of 107 degrees, Yuma is named the sunniest place on earth by the Guinness Book of World Records. It is said to have a shining sun during 90% of its daylight hours.

Resources for buyers of
foreclosed home in Yuma, Arizona

Maps & Aerial Photos
How to Buy Arizona Foreclosures
Real Estate and Homes For Sale
Yuma Association of Realtors
City of Yuma Government

Yuma HUD Homes
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